All was well with my bloodwork on Thursday, May 15th, so I was able to proceed with my next IV chemo treatment. In preparation, I drank extra fluids the day before and kept my forearm warm with a heating pad until right before the "stick". The IV went in much easier and I feel better about not getting a port - especially now that I only have 4 more to go. The 3 hours went fast and uneventfully until it was time for me to leave. Then, my legs just wouldn't work again and I felt tipsy. The nurses and doc were trying to laugh with me, not at me, but I thought it was all very funny! The gave me benedryl and had me wait until the reaction was over and I felt like I could go home. I still had to be wheeled out to the car, due to overall weakness.
I'm having all the same weird nerve-ending side effects, but at least this time, I know roughly what to expect and how long the worst will last. Today is Sunday and the leg cramps are already going away, thank goodness. I think it helps me to keep moving around, even if it's at a slower pace.
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