Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Reversal Surgery Over

Although I was really looking forward to the reversal, I didn't think much past that.  I was in the hospital overnight and then set loose with instructions to eat a bland diet, not drive, and not lift anything heavier than a milk jug for a few weeks.  Well, I didn't listen very well.   A bland diet isn't exciting and I kept trying to eat some of my favorites.  After a painful beginning,  I started adjusting to my new situation.  I flew down to visit my Mom in Florida less than a week after surgery.  She was happy to drive me around and we had a good time getting some projects done, going on long walks, shopping, and relaxing together.

Now I'm almost four weeks out from the surgery and every day gets a bit better with regard to digestion.  I am adding fresh fruits and veggies into my diet a little at a time.   I am exercising as much as I was before and even painted my daughter's bedroom and helped put sealer on the deck.   No more tests or doctor visits until December.   Hopefully the worst is over and I will just have the peace of mind that periodic tests will continue to prove that the cancer is gone.  Thank you again for all the support!